Lately there has been a lot of talk in the news about banks and a possible upcoming credit crunch. That got me thinking. Many people don’t know that the word “credit” means to “trust or believe in.” When a bank gives you “credit” they believe you will pay them back. When you put money in a financial institution you are trusting they are “credible,” and it will be there when you need it. When we say the Apostle’s “creed,” we start with “I believe.” Even the word “incredible” means something is beyond belief.
If I may, let me make a pitch for our UM Foundation. Many individuals and churches do not know that they can purchase certificates from our Loan & Savings Ministry, much as they do at the local bank. More than likely our rate of return will be higher than the bank. You can check our rates of return here. We use the money to make loans to churches. Since we began this program back in 2001, we have never failed to give a single depositor their funds when their certificate matured. I have had certificates for many years, even before I worked here. So, I would certainly vouch for the “credit” of the Loan & Savings Ministry.
Something that is “incredible,” is that in over 20 years of loaning money to churches we have never had a single loan default. Surely, you say, that is impossible. A default is when the lending institution has to accept that the money they loaned is lost due to lack of payment. Defaults are so common most lenders build a default rate into projections for their budgets. Yet, through wise lending, understanding how churches work, and knowing how to partner with churches in tough times, we have never had a default.
What about endowments and longer-term investments? Can we be believed in? Yes, we can give you access to a variety of fixed income, equity, or multi-asset funds. You won’t be disappointed in our service or our rates of return.
Why do we do all of this? Because we find your ministry “credible.” Since we share the same values of faith and discipleship, we “trust” that you will be good stewards of Christ’s ministry, just as we want to be. We “believe in” what God is doing through you, and what you are doing for God.
What makes it all work is credit. We believe in God, who believes in you, who believe in us. This wonderful circle of trust has kept us working for you since our Foundation’s humble beginnings in 1835. We look forward to more years of incredible credit with you.
If you want help with investments, loans, or ideas for stewardship and giving, contact us at your United Methodist Foundation here or call us toll free at 877-391-8811.
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Glenn Howell
Director of Development
United Methodist Foundation of Indiana