Heartland Methodist Foundation manages two funds that provide support for retired clergy, clergy on incapacity leave, their families and surviving spouses experiencing financial emergencies. The funds are not intended for long-term care or extended maintenance support, rather immediate needs, such as hearing aids, handicap accesibilty assistance, mobility devices or even to replace balding tires. To apply for a grant contact the Foundation office.
Heartland Methodist Foundation creates a quarterly newsletter of happenings around the Conference and the world, events or ideas that impact retirees. To subscribe to the newsletter or if you would like to contribute to the newsletter, contact the Foundation office.
Heartland Methodist Foundation provides an avenue for retirees to stay connected to their friends and colleagues, and opportunities to create new connections. In the spring we sponsor an all Conference luncheon for retirees at the Annual Conference and in the fall we offer regional lunches for retirees as a time of fellowship and learning.
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