Endowments can be created to support a single church or multiple ministries. It can have a specific purpose or support ministry in general. Heartland Methodist Foundation manages endowments that support ministry in almost every context. Your church can apply for a grant from the Foundation.
• Grant application deadlines are April 1 and October 1 every year.
• The maximum grant is the smaller of $15,000 or 1/2 the project cost.
• Grants can not support the general operations of a church or ministry. They are eligible for the creation of a new ministry, specialized training for an on-going ministry or for one-time expense outside the normal operating budget.
• Only congregations who are affiliated with a denomination recognized by the World Methodist Council as a member denomination are eligible to apply for a grant.
Many of our endowments and trusts benefit individuals. The United Methodist Foundation has partnered with the Indiana Conference Board of Ordained Ministry to manage many of the scholarships available to streamline the application process for our clergy candidates. Funds available for scholarship or grant requests are listed below. Some are non-denominational and some are restricted to a specific denomination.
• Scholarship application deadline is June 1
• Scholarships are determined by the scholastic year, but are distributed by semester.
• There are undergraduate, graduate, seminary and postgraduate scholarships available. Each may have other specific requirements that limit eligibility.
Many of our endowments and trusts benefit individuals. There are funds to provide aid to clergy experiencing emergencies and to provide support for educational debt. The Foundation also offers scholarships for individuals taking a mission trip. Priority is given to individuals taking their first mission trip. The trip must be sponsored by or affiliated with a congregation that is part of a denomination recognized by the World Methodist Council.
• The deadline for clergy educational debt is October 1 and you must be within three years of ordination.
• Contact the Foundation office for help with the application process.
Link to Clergy Debt Reduction Grant Applications
A charitable gift annuity (CGA) provides a fixed income stream for life and a charitable donation to the church or ministry of your choice at your passing. Since CGAs are not part of your estate, they will always provide a gift to the charity you choose. Heartland Methodist Foundation manages a pool of CGAs and only requires that 50% of the remainder go to a Methodist related ministry, which could be your local church, a foreign mission or Heartland Methodist Foundation.
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are the fastest growing giving vehicle in the US. They offer the best of both worlds, the opportunity for a charitable gift now with the luxury of deciding how to fund ministry in the future. Heartland Methodist Foundation manages a variety of DAFs for our donors.
A charitable trust can be created with a variety of options. Heartland Methodist Foundation will work with you to create the trust that best fits with your ministry goals.
Albright United Methodist Church created this fund at its closing to celebrate and memorialize the mission and ministry of the church. The fund provides seminary scholarships for certified candidates for ordained ministry.
In memory of Rev. Michael A. Anderson whose commitment to human rights and justice issues was evident through his years of dedicated service and faithful ministry. This scholarship is for African American women preparing for ministry.
Established in memory of Rev. Karolyn Berkey, this award is given to a woman in seminary pursuing ministry education.
This fund was created to honor the ministry of Rev. Mark Blaising as the Assistant to the Bishop. Distributions will support medial workers, including physicians, dentists or nurses serving in mission medical clinics in Africa, and for other needs in these medical clinics.
This fund was created in honor and memory of Bishop Alton, designated at his request for mission-related grants.
This fund was established in honor and memory of Bishop Leroy Hodapp and designated at his request for scholarships for young persons from Sierra Leone and Liberia.
This fund was created in honor and memory of Bishop Raines, designated at his request for mission-related grants.
This scholarship for Leadership Development is special as it solicits, and accepts, no applications. Potential recipients are nominated by those currently active in conference leadership of the Indiana United Methodist Annual Conference.
Jack and Erma Byrum created this fund through the residual of a charitable remainder trust to encourage ministry by laity.
For young emerging leaders. Applicant must be an active member of a United Methodist Church within the state of Indiana. Priority consideration will be given to emerging leaders from University United Methodist Church.
To provide scholarships to assist seminary students.
This fund was created by an estate bequest from Icea and Morris Draper and transferred to the Foundation by the Board of Ordained Ministry for the education of young Christian men and women for ministerial and missionary work.
This fund supports stewardship ministries in the local church, including scholarships for clergy and laity to stewardship events
Wayne Eby created this fund from a trust to support his local congregation for 15 years after his passing, after which the funds were to be used to support Christian ministries.
Scholarships for ethnic minority UMC seminary students.
To support the education of Christian young men and women for ministerial and missionary work. Priority will be given to Central Indiana UMC applicants with an intention of serving in ministry, including but not limited to youth ministry, music ministry or Christian education.
$1,000 scholarships, for young men desiring to enter ministry in accredited schools of theology.
Grandin and Virginia Godley created this fund from the residual of a charitable remainder trust. Forty percent of the annual distributions are to be used for mission and ministries as designated by the Foundation board.
This fund was established in honor and memory of Rev. Leon Hartman. It was designated at his request to assist clergy with large education debt who are in full connection with the Indiana Annual Conference.
Ralph and Louise Harvey created this fund from the residual of a charitable remainder trust. The annual distributions are used for scholarships for Seminary or Secondary education.
Heartland Methodist Financial tithes 10% of its net income every year for facility-related grants. These grants are primarily for handicap accessibility and safety or security issues confronted by congregations.
In honor of Rev. Josephine Campbell-Huffer, this scholarship is given to a female seminarian preparing for ordained ministry in the UMC.
Mark Hull created this legacy endowment from an estate bequest he designated for mission-related grants.
Rev. Ralph Karstedt was an elder who suffered with visual impairments but was never hindered by them. In his memory, this fund supports seminary students with disabilities. Candidates must be attending a UMC Senate approved seminary.
Larry Lesh created a legacy endowment that funds three ministry areas. Forty percent of the annual distribution is used to fund scholarships for certified candidates for ministry.
This fund was created by Herbert and Nancy Cassel with a donation from a Donor Advised Fund to provide tuition assistance for part-time local pastors attending UMC License to Preach or Course of Study.
In honor of Lydia, a seller of purple and disciple of Jesus, this scholarship is offered to second career female UMC seminary students.
Provides scholarships to seminary students. Priority is given to Seminary students from Christ United Methodist Church of Wabash.
To assist students attending Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Candidates must be pursuing graduate studies with the intent of serving Christ in full-time Christian Ministry. Recipients of grants may use the proceeds for tuition, books, material aids or other necessary technology.
This fund was created by the Foundation board for the emergency needs of retired or incapacitated clergy and their families.
This fund was created from gifts restricted to retiree health insurance, conference pension assistance for retired clergy, salary support for incapacitated clergy, or other similar needs.
This fund was created by the UMC Board of Ordained Ministry for certified candidates for ordained ministry.
This fund honors the life work of Pastor Myers by financially assisting seminary students.
This fund honors the ministry Bill Rogers. He believed that if someone would go on a missions trip, they would be changed and would be involved in missions for life. This fund provides scholarships for individuals participating in their first mission trip.
Support for students enrolled at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary.
Helen Seitz created this legacy endowment from a bequest she designated for scholarships for students preparing for ministry in Christian education.
This fund was created by an estate gift of Rev. Donald Smith to continue his life long commitment to ministry.
This fund was created by the UMC Board of Ordained Ministry in memory of Dr. P.B. Smith to provide an annual scholarship to a younger minister in her/his pursuit of better preaching.
In honor and memory of Verl V. Smith, Elaine Smith created this fund to provide scholarships to undergraduate students preparing to enter full time Christian service or social service.
June (Soliday) Owen created this scholarship legacy to support pastoral leaders in the Indiana Conference UMC who are certified candidates for ordained ministry.
This fund, created by a bequest from Hazel Stair, provides scholarships to seminary students.
This fund, created from gifts to the Garret Indiana Methodist Church from members of the Van Fleit family. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance to newly ordained pastors who have substantial educational debt.
Support for ethnic minority students who are pursuing a graduate degree in ministry.
For ethnic minority students attending a full-time institution of higher education pursuing an undergraduate degree in ministry.
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