Important question:  How do you say thank you to your givers?  And, by the way, you should thank your givers.  You could:

  • Call anytime a person makes a larger than normal gift
  • Call or write anytime someone gives for the first time
  • Call or write anytime someone pledges for the first time
  • Have someone who benefits from a gift write a thank you card (for instance, a camper on scholarship or a child who was given a Bible)
  • Take a picture of a difference-making ministry and text it to them, saying, “Thanks for Your Support”
  • Thank the congregation on Sunday morning when giving is strong
  • Put a hand-written sentence of thanks on the quarterly or annual statement
  • Write a short story of one of your successful ministries and add to your statements
  • Take a giver to coffee
  • Have a thank-you dinner for your stronger givers
  • Have children make thank you gifts for all givers to the annual pledge drive
  • Record a quick selfie “thank you” on your cell phone and send it to them
  • When someone is leaving or moving away from your church, thank them for supporting your church through the years—in this way you will bless the next congregation they attend

You will find that good Christian folks are often humble and remind you that they didn’t give to be thanked.  That is a good time to say, “I know that, and I appreciate that about you; but what you are doing is important and we are very grateful.”  It will mean a lot to them.  There is a saying in the world of fund-raising.  The reason people don’t give a second gift is because we never said thank you for the first one.

Need help with your church’s stewardship and giving?  Consider a visit from your Heartland Methodist Foundation.

If you would like information about stewardship and the care of money, contact us here or call us toll free at 877-391-8811.

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Glenn Howell
Director of Development
Heartland Methodist Foundation