[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”The Gift That Keeps on Giving” _builder_version=”3.18.4″]
A question: Would you like to continue making your church pledge after you die?
Don’t laugh. That is a question myself, and other pastors, have asked folks. Let’s use this example: A beautiful soul named Emily has been giving the church $2,000 per year for several years. Her pastor comes to her and says, “Emily, you have been so faithful in giving, and we appreciate it. Would you like to continue making your pledge from now until Jesus comes back? As you consider your estate, if you would bequest an endowed gift of $50,000 to our church that would translate into roughly $2,000 per year for eternity. Just think, 100 years from now your gift will still be a living part of our family’s ministry.”
You might be surprised how this simple approach results in motivating people to plan a gift at their passing. If you ask it in this way the likelihood is that the gift will continue into the general budget of the church. Those of us in leadership know how important such undesignated gifts can be to our ministry.
Your Foundation has many such endowments given by individuals. Each year the earnings from the gift goes back to the local church, sometimes for the general budget and sometimes for ministries close to the giver’s heart. It is the donor’s choice.
Need help with endowments? We offer this and more ideas for growing the giving in your church. Contact us at [email protected] or 317-788-7879.
Glenn Howell
Director of Development
United Methodist Foundation of Indiana
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