There is an old saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” I take this to mean that change is the one thing that is never-changing.
Like so many sayings, this one is true enough to be a saying, but not enough to be the whole truth. Even though things change, many things remain the same from year to year. Usually, these things have to do with our mission and ministry. Worship styles may change, but the worship of God is constant. Bible study may have moved from paper to video, but Christian discipleship remains the same. The important thing is being open to changing a method, but not to changing the mission.
Our Foundation has received a lot of questions regarding upcoming changes in the United Methodist Church. What people want to know is, “Will the Foundation change?” The answer to that question is a resounding “yes and no.” No, we are not changing our mission of serving all the churches and organizations that are in our care. No, we are not changing our mission of serving all our churches no matter how change affects them. No, we are not changing our mission of serving any church in Indiana that has been part of our mission for the last 100 years.
That means if you are a United Methodist church going forward, we are here for you. If you are part of the Global Methodist Church, we are here for you. If you aren’t sure where you will end up, we are here for you. We will help you with stewardship, fund-raising, endowments and investments—as we always have. We will receive your grant applications and distribute money for church projects. When your church needs a loan, we will be here to receive your application. We have always served conservative and liberal congregations, small ones and large ones, rural and urban, brick and frame-built. That won’t change.
Yes, we will change some things regarding how we relate to more than one denomination. Our Board and leadership will need to continue its diversity of representation. Our communication will learn to be less centralized. We will consider whether our name reflects the broader nature of our mission. But have no fear, we are already on the way to figuring out these things.
Change is in the air. That is no surprise to those of us who have lately raised a finger to the wind. Your Foundation has confidence in the future because God is there, and God has given us our mission, and God will be sure to send the vision and resources to see it done. We look forward to seeing your church in God’s future, and we pray it is a blessed future, indeed.
For more information about stewardship and the care of money, contact us here or by calling us toll free at 877-391-8811.
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Glenn Howell
Director of Development
United Methodist Foundation of Indiana