Stewardship is about developing the heart of a disciple to serve God in all the ways possible. Heartland Methodist Foundation provides individualized mentoring in stewardship to assist a congregation in developing a holistic stewardship program, including effective annual campaigns. This mentoring focuses on several areas that impact stewardship in the life of a congregation including leadership, education, budgeting and financial processes. In addition, we offer an annual stewardship conference in beautiful Nashville, Indiana that focuses on a variety of stewardship topics.
Bequests provide a vital source of revenue to fund new and exciting ministries in your church. Approximately 70% of Americans die without a will, and most of the remaining are rarely asked to include their church in their estate plans. Heartland Methodist Foundation assists church leaders in creation of a comprehensive planned giving ministry. We provide templates for a charter and the policies required to establish a robust endowment fund. We help with the development of planned giving ministries through workshops for your congregation on establishing their legacies and sharing opportunities on leaving gifts to your church in their estate plans.
A well planned and executed capital campaign can add to the vitality of a congregation. Heartland Methodist Foundation consults with church leadership on the process and pitfalls of managing a capital campaign. The training process includes an overview of capital campaigns and insight into key indicators. We also offer workshops for your congregation on how to make tax wise gifts for your campaign and the possibility to make larger gifts with the tax savings available.
An investment strategy serves as a foundation upon which sound investment stewardship is built. The investment of cash gifts can help provide the future funding necessary to support the vital ministries of your church. The Foundation guides your financial team through the process of creating your own custom investment strategy and provides information on investing with Heartland Methodist Foundation.
Heartland Methodist Foundation offers workshops for both clergy and laity in developing long term financial plans to achieve the financial and retirement goals they have set. Being free from the fear of financial complications allows us to focus more fully on God’s call in our lives.
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